Keyrus Foundation is pleased to welcome you to all the websites of its Group to obtain information regarding its activities.
In accordance with the laws governing intellectual property rights or associated rights, any reproduction and representation of all or part of the elements comprising the Keyrus Fondation site are strictly prohibited.
Keyrus Foundation declines all responsibility in the event of difficulty accessing its websites or loss of connection.
Keyrus Fondation reserves the right to change the content of its websites in any way whatsoever, at any time and for any reason, without any special prior notice. Keyrus shall not be held responsible, in any way whatsoever, for the consequences of such changes.
All the trademarks referred to are registered trademarks.
This site is the responsibility of the Communications Department of the Keyrus Group. For any further information, please send your request using the form below.
Keyrus Foundation Registered office : 157 rue Anatole France 92593 Levallois-Perret Cedex - France Siret : 400 149 647 00168 SIREN : 400 149 647 Share Capital : 4 319 467, 50 € N° de TVA Intracommunautaire : FR 39 400 149 647 Tel : + 33 (0)1 41 34 10 00 Director of publication: Eric Cohen (CEO & Owner).
Netlify, Inc, 512 2nd Steet, San Francisco, CA 94107
This site is the responsibility of the Keyrus Fondation Communications Department. For any further information, please contact us.
Keyrus Fondation makes its information sites available to the public – accessible principally via the following URL - in order to promote its brands and services and provide general information on the group and its activities.
Please read the following conditions carefully before using its sites. Using Keyrus Fondation’ sites implie acceptance of the conditions. As a result, by accessing the Sites of the Keyrus Group, any Internet user (hereinafter “the User”) agrees to comply with and adhere to the rules defined below.
The Keyrus Fondation Site is protected by intellectual property rights. The Site and the elements which comprise it (e.g. brands, logos, pictograms, photographs, illustrations, texts, videos...) are the exclusive property of Keyrus Fondation, sole empowered to use the intellectual property rights and personality rights relating thereto, the latter granting no licence, nor any other right other than that to visit the site.
Any reproduction and/or full or part representation of the Site, or any one of the elements which comprise it, on any media whatsoever, for other purposes, notably commercial, is expressly prohibited, with the exception of Keyrus Fondation’s express consent. The creation of hyperlinks to the Site may only be made after prior written authorization from Keyrus Fondation.
Keyrus Fondation reserves the right to amend the information contained on its websites at any time and in any way whatsoever, without prior notice. Keyrus Fondation may not be held responsible, in any manner whatsoever, for the consequences of any modifications or updates carried out.
All the trademarks mentioned on the Site are registered trademarks which are the exclusive property of Keyrus Fondation. These trademarks are thus protected and any use of the said trademarks may not be done without the prior express written agreement of Keyrus Fondation , subject to legal action for counterfeit.
Any authorization request must be addressed using the following contact form.
Keyrus Fondation endeavours to maintain the Site accessible, without however providing any obligation in this respect. It is specified that for the purposes of maintenance, updating and for any reason, in particular technical, access to the Site may be interrupted. Keyrus Fondation is under no circumstances responsible for such interruptions and any consequences which may result therefrom for the User.
Keyrus Fondation undertakes to update the contents of the Site and to deliver to Users accurate information. Nevertheless, the User is aware that any transmission of data and information over the Internet is from a technical point only, subject to relative reliability. As a result, Keyrus Fondation cannot guarantee the accuracy at a given instant T of the data shown on the Site. Any error or omission must be notified by email.
Keyrus Fondation collects and processes your personal data when you enter them in a contract form in the website or via the website’s cookies.
For more information about the processing of your personal data, please read Keyrus Fondation’ Privacy Policy.
The User of the website undertakes to respect the regulation in force when (i) they fill a free field for comments, limiting themselves to comment that are relevant, adequate and never excessive or insulting and (ii) when they use the website.
This site is optimized for a resolution of 360x640, or higher, with Google Chrome Version 86, or later.
Keyrus Fondation is a company listed on the Eurolist Growth Paris multilateral trading facility. of quoted companies of Euronext Paris. Financial information distributed via the Site is communicated for information only. Consequently, Keyrus Fondation shall not be liable in any way whatsoever with regard to the use that the User makes or shall make of such information. No guarantee, either express or implicit, is given as to the suitability for any given purpose.
Keyrus Fondation reminds the User that the information distributed via the Site shall not be considered an invitation to invest, in any way whatsoever. In this respect, it may not under any circumstances be interpreted as canvassing by Keyrus Fondation.
Finally, it is specified that the information, and more specifically the price of the shares, is provided by a service provider external to Keyrus Fondation. Neither Keyrus Fondation, nor its information supplier may be held responsible for any errors or delays in transmission of information and their possible consequences.
Hyperlinks placed on the Site may lead the User to Internet sites belonging to different partners. It is specified that Keyrus Fondation has not checked all the sites which may be linked to its own site, their content and the information present there, and consequently refuses all responsibility regarding the content of such sites and the use made thereof by the User. Use of such sites by the User is at its sole responsibility.
These conditions of use of the Site are subject to French law.
Updated on october 9th, 2024